
Duration 6h 15m Project Files Included MP4

Title: FXPHD – NUK245 Photogrammetry with Metashape and Nuke

Course Number: Nuk245
Software Version: 11
Original Run Date: December 2019
Duration: 6 Hours 15 Minutes

Photogrammetry without a 3D software? Yes! This course is designed for compositors that want to integrate objects generated in Metashape without the help of a 3D software. In this course, you will learn how to solve 3D objects in Metashape from scratch and then see various tricks on how to import them inside Nuke so that you can push your composites to the next level.

Course syllabus

Class 1: The Basics Of Photogrammetry

Class 2: Metashape Overview

Class 3: Staring On Project One

Class 4: Getting The Object Into Nuke

Class 5: It’s Time To Comp

Class 6: Advanced Metashape

Class 7: Project Two: Foreground Elements

Class 8: Project Two: Fixing Problems

Class 9: Finishing Touches

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